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[New Torrent] cliOS (commandline desktop OS)

Started by socialdefect, May 03, 2011, 02:31:31 PM

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cliOS stands for: commandline operatingsystem. It's goal is to provide a full featured without X that can be used to teach and learn more about working on the Linux commandline.

cliOS includes most of the popular open source cli tools for browsing the web, manage emails, up/download, do your office tasks like financial administration, calendar, spreadsheet, presentations, open office/text documents, read and edit pdfs, create and edit images/photo slideshows and a whole lot more. To manages some of the apps the inx scripts have been included to provide a menu interface and howtos.

With cliOS you will be a commandline guru in no time. For the visualy impaired cliOS might also be a good alternative in the near future but here's still a lot of work to be done. If you feel lucky play around with the speech apps for a while, espeakup and yasr are installed on the 0.1 Alpha version.

* create an installable livecd
* fix some bugs
* setup speech software or create setup script
* extend the inx menu to include more apps

If you find any bugs please report at our bug tracker on our sourceforge page http://sourceforge.net/projects/openinloop

Created by Arjan van Lent aka Socialdefect Based on Debian Linux http://debian.org INX scripts taken from the INX operatingsystem http://inx.maincontent.net

All scripts and modifications made for cliOS are licenced GPLv3
Licences for the installed software can be found on the DVD. Only open source licenced applications are used to create cliOS