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[New Torrent] Zenwalk Linux 7.2

Started by mcangeli, October 12, 2012, 12:07:20 PM

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We are happy to release Zenwalk 7.2. After several months of rescheduling we think it's time to let this new jet fly. Zenwalk 7.2 is loyal to it's design : providing 1 application per task, everything needed to work / play / code / create, in a single 700MB ISO image, through a 10 minutes automatic install process on any recent computer. Zenwalk is aimed to be really fast in the club of \"modern desktop\" Linux systems, due to many optimizations at different levels : kernel, applications, desktop. The challenge that we faced, and made them delay the 7.2 release date, was to achieve 100% Slackware Linux compatibility while keeping most of the optimizations that were introduced during the last years of development, started in 2004. Zenwalk 7.2 runs on kernel 3.4.8 with BFS scheduler. The Zenwalk desktop is based on the XFCE 4.10 / GTK 2.24.10/3.4.4 team, with unique look and feel and perfect ergonomic integration of the application set : Libreoffice 3.6.2, Firefox/Thunderbird 15.0.1, Gimp 2.8.2 and much more... The Netpkg package manager has been improved with multiple mirrors support and better performance.

Changelog : http://www.zenwalk.org/modules/news/article.php?storyid=127

We hope that you'll enjoy Zenwalk simplicity to install, to use, and to customize with the thousand packages in Zenwalk repository and the many thousands Slackware community packages.

I'd like to thank once again Patrick Volkerding, (the creator of the only remaining true Linux system) for his great vision, work of art, and friendly relationship each time we ask him questions.

In a nutshell : Zenwalk can do everything big desktop distributions do : but faster, easier, in a 1 CD ISO, and in a way you can still understand.