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[New Torrent] Sabayon Linux 5.5 amd64 KDE

Started by papageorgio, April 06, 2011, 03:59:04 PM

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Sabayon Linux 5.5 amd64 KDE


    * More than 1000 updated packages since Sabayon 5.4 and more than 100 bugs (stability, usability and performance) fixed
    * Shipped with Desktop-optimized Linux kernel 2.6.37 (Group Scheduling patch, Tuxonice, AUFS2.1) and Glibc 2.11
    * Cutting-edge X.Org Graphics stack (mesa-7.10 + xorg-server-1.9 + 2.6.37 kernel = KMS enabled, Gallium3d, best performance with OSS drivers)
    * Providing the best AMD/ATI and NVIDIA Linux Desktop out-of-the-box experience out there
    * Providing extra Server-optimized, OpenVZ-enabled, Vserver-enabled kernels in repositories
    * Installable in 10 minutes
    * Slightly faster boot time compared to Sabayon 5.4
    * Ext4 filesystem as default, btrfs (experimental), encrypted (luks) filesystem support
    * Containing GNOME 2.32 (getting ready for GNOME 3.0) and KDE 4.5.5 (KDE 4.6.0 will be available through updates)
    * Outstanding 3D Desktop applications (Compiz, Compiz Fusion and KWin) working out of the box
    * Sane Desktop Compositing now enabled by default (Metacity Compositing for GNOME, KWin Compositing for KDE)
    * Bringing Entropy Framework 1.0_alpha9 and complete PackageKit support
    * Shipped with OpenOffice productivity suite and all the multimedia applications you need
    * Transform Sabayon into an full-featured HTPC Operating System (Media Center) using XBMC
    * Shipped with World of Goo Demo - best 2D game ever!
    * Improved Windows autostart support, try Sabayon directly from your Microsoft OS!