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[New Torrent] Vesta-08-12.iso

Started by ida, July 31, 2012, 03:22:36 AM

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Vesta - live Linux distribution kit for draft development and daily work.
He is accurate on gcc (vesta) 4.7.1 and OpenJDK 7 which are brought together on Vesta's previous version.
The kernel, modules of a kernel and base unit of system to be loaded into random access memory that provides
rather decent speed of work. Functionality of system is defined by existence/absence of applications (EXTends)
in in catalog /EXT of the boot device. EXTends represent parts of file system (squashfs, cromfs, isofs, cramfs or others)
which are as required mounted in catalog /opt/EXT/ as by loopback-devices.
That gives the chance to pack a distribution kit only with the necessary EXTends,
absent EXTends can be loaded on the Internet in the course of work.
Dependences of EXTends, whenever possible, contain in their in catalog /lib.
Therefore there are following options of configuration:

1.Catalog /EXT boot-device is absent.
  It is simple Live-Distributiv, from development tools only  bash and java-interpreter (orvit), from the Internet only Links,
  but network means (are available to iptables, Wireless-Tools, wpa_supplicant, Dropbear sshd, Tor) and sound system (ALSA).
  It is possible to use as the tool for experiments or as rescue system.
2.At catalog/EXT/boot-device there are EXTends.
 They can be used ;)
  EXTends ending on *.utf8 is Locales.
  EXTends (if are present): GNU, JDK, GTK, WINE, MICROEMULATOR, CUPSD, MPLAYER, mc are mounted at system start.
3.At the catalog /EXT boot-device is present EXTend \"JDK\".
  It is possible to create programs on Java.
4.At the catalog /EXT boot-device is present EXTend \"GNU\".
  There are all development tools by means of which the kernel, a base unit, openJDK and EXTends not-Java is collected. (LibreOffice, ooo4kids, Chromium are taken in a binary look, but necessary libraries are collected manually from sources)
5.Vesta is established on the Hard Disk.
  Simply system: with it it is possible to work, it can be broken, it is possible to make better.