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[New Torrent] linuxfx10.3-wx-lts.iso

Started by Greger, July 03, 2020, 01:03:47 PM

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Linuxfx Operational System 10

Linuxfx is a Brazilian Linux distribution based on Ubuntu. It ships with an intuitive Cinnamon desktop user interface designed to facilitate migration of users from Windows. It includes a video management system called Sentinela, a computer vision software with video analytics and software for access control (facial recognition and automatic number plate recognition), object detection, gender, age and mood detection. Other features of the distribution include a new personal assistant, a WX theme for desktop and system applications, and compatibility with software written for Windows (.exe and .msi) through a Wine port. /Distrowatch.com

Developed to take advantage of all your experience with Microsoft Windows, the Windowsfx operating system is built on top of the Linux operating system, inheriting only the best features of the original Microsoft Windows. That said, it is known that Windowsfx is extremely safe, immune to computer viruses, nor does it suffer from system failures, security updates and other legacy problems of Microsoft Windows. Windowsfx also maintains compatibility with the original Microsoft Windows applications, natively and transparently. Windowsfx does not need very advanced hardware. A dual core pc with a minimum of 2GB of ram should be enough to run the system in a satisfactory way. Now you can give life to that older hardware that was disabled!

Windows 10 Like Desktop (WXD)
Run Windows .exe and .msi files
Libre Office MS Theme
Ready For Multimedia, Internet and Games
Telegram: https://t.me/linuxfxbr

More info: https://www.windowsfx.org/