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[New Torrent] Snowlinux 2 \"MATE\" amd64

Started by Fr0zen, May 28, 2012, 02:57:03 AM

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Lars Torben Kremer has announced the release of Snowlinux 2 \"MATE\" edition, an Ubuntu-based distribution featuring the GNOME 2-like MATE desktop: \"The team is proud to announce the release of Snowlinux 2 'Cream'. Snowlinux 2 'Cream' is based upon Ubuntu 12.04 and is supported for 5 years until April 2017. This is one of the reasons why Plymouth was removed. Due to drastic changes with GNOME 3 and Unity, Snowlinux has a traditional desktop - MATE. New features: MATE 1.2, Linux kernel 3.2, Chromium 18, Firefox 12, Thunderbird 12.0.1; Snowlinux Metal theme and icons; open as administrator; open in terminal; delete permanently; terminal colors; Universe, Multiverse and Medibuntu repositories; better software selection; improved speed and response; new look and feel; system improvements.