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[New Torrent] CrunchBang Linux 11 R20120430 EDIT: i386

Started by Fr0zen, May 09, 2012, 01:55:03 AM

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Philip Newborough has announced the availability of the first public testing build of CrunchBang Linux 11, a lightweight desktop distribution with Openbox, now based on Debian \"Wheezy\": \"The first CrunchBang 11 'Waldorf' development builds are now available for testing. For anyone unaware, these are the first builds to be based on Debian 'Wheezy' sources. Wheezy is the current testing branch of Debian and therefore is likely to experience changes, bugs and breakages. These first builds are not recommended for anyone who requires a stable system, or is not happy running into occasional breakages. Of note, the following has changed: SLiM replaces the deprecated GDM; Chromium replaces Iceweasel; Compton replaces xcompmgr and Cairo Composite Manager; PulseAudio is now installed by default.