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[New Torrent] Snowlinux 2 amd64

Started by Fr0zen, April 22, 2012, 10:54:33 AM

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Lars Torben Kremer has announced the release of Snowlinux 2, a Debian-based desktop distribution and live CD with GNOME 2: \"The team is proud to announce the release of Snowlinux 2 'Ice'. Due drastic changes with GNOME 3 and Unity, Snowlinux 2 'Ice' is keeping GNOME 2. It comes with a GTK+ theme and icon set called Snowlinux Metal and the system font is 'Ubuntu' by default. Also present in this version is an improved live installer which detects country, offers keyboard variants and uses UUID in fstab. It has a firewall called gufw. Apturl was ported from Ubuntu to Debian and it was made functional. To improve the difference between user and root terminal, terminal colors were introduced. To be more out-of-the-box OpenJDK 6 Java was made available in the default installation.