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[New Torrent] NethServer 7.2 Beta 1

Started by Jack22, July 17, 2016, 03:39:16 AM

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Alessio Fattorini has announced the first beta release of NethServer 7.2. The new version, NethServer 7.2 beta 1, offers a number of changes, including improving and streamlining the network settings pages in the distribution's web interface. "The first beta release of NethServer 7 will bring numerous goodies: a new look that differentiates it from the NethServer 6 family, a brand new Virtual Host panel for easy management of the web server configuration, the ability to configure a Green interface in DHCP mode, refactoring of the 'Shared Folder' page with Virtual Hosts and Active Directory Domain Controller role in mind. MultiWan configuration is now merged into the Network page, the Certificate Management panel lets you edit the default self-signed certificates or upload a custom one from an SSL certificate provider. We have simplified Network Services management and new services Rules are added directly from the Firewall panel. There is a ton of major changes from alpha and it's impossible to cover them all in detail here. The release announcement and release notes have more details