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[New Torrent] PCLinuxOS Medical 2011.11

Started by diamond_gr, November 07, 2011, 06:38:37 PM

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Well, I think that there are two different targets on medical users. The first is doctors that want to keep track (EMR) their patiens and the other is bioinformatics.

This ISO aims doctors. So I took Gnome Zen Mini and added couple of programs and also openEMR.
The reason of choosing Gnome Zen Mini was the low requirements and also the basic system installed.
The programs I choose to add (please tell me if those are enough):

Keep backup
1. deja dup
2. gnomebaker

3. gimp
4. inkscape

Remote management
5. teamviewer

6. vlc

pdf viewers
7. evince
8. pdfedit

Tools to install openEMR
9. mysql-administrator
10. mysql-gui-tools

I didn't add language and Libre office because I didn't want to add my language as default to each one of you testers.

To test LiveCD, run Firefox or Chromium. It will open a DEMO environment (you need Internet). You can check how the program works. There's a DEMO that the patient can see his visits.

Administrator: admin - pass
Physician(more permissions than clinician): physician - physician
Clinician(less permissions than physician)\" clinician - clinician
Accountant: accountant - accountant
Information desk: receptionist - receptionist

Pass for patients DEMO:

Susan1 - susan
Phil2 - phil

Because of permissions of LiveCD, you must install LiveCD to use openEMR.
PASSWORDS for installed openEMR are:

Administrator: admin - admin
User: medical - medical

Now if you want to install PCLinuxOS Medical go to PCLOS Menu Button -> More Apllications -> Configuration -> Install PCLinuxOS Medical and follow the installation instructions.

Root: root - root
User: medical - medical

After the installation you'll have a user medical.

You can find us at http://www.pclinuxos.gr or at our forum