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[New Torrent] gPartEd Live 25 amd64

Started by Fossilizing_Dinosaur, January 22, 2016, 12:57:54 PM

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gPartEd-Live is a Freed/Freeware minimalist partition maintenance and rescue toolset
It can be installed on CD, USB-drive, PXE-server, or Hard-Disk; then applied to an x86_64 machine with RAM>=256MB
* Based on Debian "Sid" repository as of 2016/Jan/19
* Linux kernel 4.3.3-5
* i686, i686-pae and amd64 releases (no i586/i486/i386)
* gPartEd 0.25.0
* (#467925) Add progress bar during additional ext2/3/4 and ntfs operations
* (#756829) Enhance SWRaid member detection and file system clearing
* (#757781) Always use blkid file system detection before libparted
* (#757671) Rework Dialog_Partition_New::Get_New_Partition()
* (#756878) Fix missing "old end" value in detail log of en_CA translation
* (#758131) Make about dialog website link non-clickable
* (#759488) Fix temporary path name of new partitions
* (#759972) Fix partition names sometimes shown as file system labels
* (#760099) Revert tarball compression back to gzip
* Translations:  de, is, nl, pt_BR, sr, sr@latin, tr
Default password for (auto)login "user" is "live"; for root privileges, use "sudo". Right-click on the desktop to access a pop-up menu, double-click camera icon for screenshot to /home/user/gparted.jpeg. Menu key is next to bottom-right control-shift. Fluxbox window manager
Graphical Utilities
lxterminal ---- Terminal emulator (provides access to command line)
pcmanfm, mc --- Graphical file manager
leafpad ------- Graphical text editor
netsurf ------- Small web browser
gsmartcontrol - Hard disk drive and SSD health inspection tool

Command-Line Utilities
fsarchiver -- File system archiver and restorer
partclone --- Block-wise backup-copy partitions into a compressed image file; skips free space
partimage --- Sector-wise backup-copy partitions' filesystems into a compressed image file
testdisk ---- Data recovery tool that can help recover lost partitions
gpart ------- (Older) data recovery tool that can help recover lost msdos partition tables
grub -------- for restoring GRUB2 GRand Unified Bootloader
mc ---------- Text based file manager known as Midnight Commander
nano -------- Text editor
vim-tiny ---- Enhanced vi text editor
parted ------ Partition table editor
fdisk ------- MSDOS partition table editor
sfdisk ------ MSDOS partition table editor also useful to save/restore partition table to/from a file
gdisk ------- GPT partition table editor
sgdisk ------ GPT partition table editor also useful to save/restore partition table to/from a file
gptsync ----- GPT and MSDOS partition tables sync tool for Mac OS X users
openssh ----- Secure shell (ssh) connectivity tool suite
screen ------ Screen manager with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation
ping -------- Check network connectivity to another host on a network
rsync ------- Fast, versatile, remote (and local) file-copying tool
telnet ------ Communicate with another host using the TELNET protocol
traceroute -- Print the route packets trace to network host
bc ---------- Arbitrary precision calculator language

See gPartEd.org or Distrowatch