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[New Torrent] proxmox-ve_1.9-6542-6.iso

Started by dytch2220, September 14, 2011, 02:05:09 AM

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Martin Maurer has announced the release of Proxmox 1.9 \"Virtual Environment\" edition, a Debian-based distribution designed for running virtual appliances and virtual machines: \"We just released Proxmox VE 1.9, including a lot of fixes and updates. This release includes the long awaited new stable OpenVZ 2.6.32 and also latest KVM 0.15 with KSM support. Release notes: PVE kernel 2.6.32, updates for drivers including e1000e to 1.5.1, ARECA RAID driver, megaraid_sas, bnx2, igb to 3.1.16, ixgbe to 3.5.14-NAPI, drbd 8.3.10; vzctl (3.0.28), update to latest upstream, set default template to Debian 6.0, merge some fixes from upstream; PVE manager (1.9), fix uptime display for 2.6.32 kernel with 1000HZ, support newer vzctl versions, support 'maxfiles' backup option; PVE QEMU KVM (0.15.0), use PXE ROMs from upstream qemu-kvm; QEMU Server (1.1), small fixes for new qemu-kvm 0.15.0....\"