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[New Torrent] Bodhi Linux 3.1.0 Pre-Release

Started by mcangeli, August 04, 2015, 04:23:19 PM

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Jeff Hoogland has announced the availability of the initial development build of Bodhi Linux 3.1.0, a desktop distribution featuring the Enlightenment window manager, still based on Ubuntu 14.04: "Bodhi 3.1.0 pre-release image. Getting back to having releases within their targeted release dates. Because this is the first release to use an early Moksha build I am putting out this pre-release disc for folks to help me catch (and fix) rough edges before we call this an official release. Please give it a spin, live or installed, and let us know what you think either in a comment here or on our user forums. Things to note with this pre-release disc. Moksha segfaults the first time you access the menu as a new user. Pressing F1 brings you back to the desktop and then things are perfectly fine. There is some sort of menu cache generation issue that still needs to be figured out. I consider this a medium priority bug that would be nice to resolve before we release, but really it is cosmetic so I won't be holding the release for it. The quick start guide hasn't been touched yet."