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[New Torrent] justbrowsing64 (20140808) DevEdition

Started by justbrowsingcd, August 09, 2014, 03:24:18 AM

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If all you use your computer for is checking email, social networking, watching cat videos and online shopping, this is the distro for you. Perfect for guests, user privacy in mind with a lock screen and browsing history is always erased on power off. Designed to be run from a Live CD or USB.

An optional configuration file can be saved to any storage medium (must be labeled: JUSTDATA) can be used to load the settings on boot. Settings such as display resolution, timezone, browser language, keyboard layout, homepage, and more can be configured from one GUI or via kernel parameters (using boot menu entries or manually)

Homepage: http://justbrowsing.info

CAUTION: JustBrowsing Dev Edition is for developers and it is intended for debugging purposes only.

The OpenSSH server is installed, configured and started at boot in this edition. This is a security vulernability if left unchecked. The ssh package is not configured nor even installed in the regular version. The password is the ISO's build date in the format YYYYMMDD.

Virtual Terminals (VTs) are also enabled. In QEMU they can be accessed by pressing CTRL+ALT+2, typing in: sendkey ctrl-alt-f2 [ENTER] the press CTRL+ALT+1 to access TTY2

The final change is roxterm is installed. It can be launched from i3 with: Super+Enter (Win+Return) Other useful key combinations include toggling the WM tile mode with Super+Shift+W (tabs), Super+Shift+E (tile), Super+Shift+S (stack)