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[New Torrent] gPartEd Live 0.18.0-2 i686wPAE ISO

Started by Fossilizing_Dinosaur, April 12, 2014, 03:53:45 AM

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Gnome PARTition EDitor

GPartEd is an app for managing Linux, Windows, & Mac OS-X disk partitions and file-systems without data loss.

GPartEd Live is a small boot-able system management toolset for x86 computers. It can be installed on CD, USB, PXE server, or Hard Disk.

This release includes a number of improvements:
* The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded.
* This release is based on the DebIan Sid repository (as of 2014/Apr/10).
* Linux kernel was updated to 3.13.7-1.
* Grub was updated to 2.02~beta2-8.
* Packages screen, rsync, iputils-ping, telnet, traceroute and bc were added.
* Bug fixed: ssh host key protocal ed25519 was not generated during boot.

i686+PAE version for x86 and x86-64 computers with up to 4Gb
(PAE = Physical Address Extension)

Freed software (GPL2+) - donations appreciated.