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[New Torrent] Super OS 11.04 64 bits

Started by hacktolive, May 30, 2011, 08:44:21 PM

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Super OS 11.04 (formerly: Super Ubuntu) is a version of Ubuntu 11.04 with added software and tools, with the goal of making it more usable, in particular for users without an internet connection.

    *NEW: Based on Ubuntu 11.04
    *NEW: Unity 3D, the new interface introduced in Ubuntu 11.04
    *NEW: LibreOffice, replacing OpenOffice.org
    *NEW: Ayatana overlay scrollbars, to reduce used screen space
    *UPDATED: Firefox 4, Google Chrome 11 and Opera 11, all of them with support for the new webm format (Adobe Flash 10.3 in all of them)
    *UPDATED: Improved offline installation of drivers, and more drivers added: Nvidia, ATI and Broadcom and others
    *UPDATED: More software added to the local repository, like wvdial (PPP dialer) and ndiswrapper (installation of Windows WiFi drivers)
    *UPDATED: All software in the Super OS repository updated to their latest versions
    *Additional Multimedia Support: VLC, support for DVD-playback, MP3 support and for other formats, like QuickTime video, Windows Media Video, Flash Video, DivX, Xvid, (.mov, .wmv, .flv, .avi, etc...) etc...
    *Portable Applications available (RUNZ included)
    *Programs and scripts are easier to run: App Runner is included
    *Mount tar.gz/.zip/.rar/.iso files with File mounter
    *Other software: Ubuntu Tweak, aMSN and Skype
    *Super OS has it's own repository, in addition to the official Ubuntu repositories
    *Live USB creator (usb-creator) right from the DVD menu
    *(64-bits version) Improved compatibility with 32-bits applications, by including ia32-libs
    *Wubi, allowing easy installation alongside Windows

This is the ISO/DVD of the 64 bits version

Homepage: hacktolive.org/os