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[New Torrent] Slax 7.0.8 32 bit

Started by mcangeli, March 18, 2013, 10:17:24 AM

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I'd like to announce an update of Slax live Linux, version 7.0.6. The main changes are the new Linux kernel 3.8.2 and updated KDE 4.10.1. It was a bit harder than I expected, mostly due to some really odd changes made by KDE developers, which I had to work around to get the same functionality as we are used to. Raw changelog: fixed missing notification when module is activated or deactivated; upgraded all packages to reflect changes in Slackware 'Current'; Updated Firefox to 19.0.2; show date on taskbar under current time; the device notifier in KDE is now hidden since it was showing on mad positions. The Slax size has increased by about 3 MB due to new stuff provided by KDE.