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[New Torrent] LinuxBBQ LXDE Trollinger64

Started by LinuxBBQ, January 22, 2013, 06:18:36 AM

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LinuxBBQ is proud to present the 64bit version of "Trollinger", an LXDE base release built on Debian Sid. Compared to the 32bit version, this remix is slightly smaller in ISO size due to package dependency optimizations. Additionally, a few new BBQ tools are added.

Trollinger is the de-facto base release of LinuxBBQ, recommended to those who want to build up their system comfortably. Besides the standard CLI apps, Trollinger comes with a small amount of GUI applications:

Default stack
Iceweasel browser
Roaster browser
PCManFM file manager
Leafpad text editor
mousepad text editor
Deadbeef music player
mplayer2 media player
Synaptic package manager
GDebi package installer
Bleachbit janitor
Adobe Flashplayer, Adblock/Element Hiding addons enabled in Iceweasel
BBQ Tools
Spatula simple WYSIWYG editor
Entertainer website randomizer
USB Creator frontend for dd
BBQNotes notepad
BBQSystem configuration helper (rewritten)
UpdateMan frontend for APT
EggTimer alarm
BBQdf frontend for df
Roaster browser
Cookbook desktop help
BBQ Webapps (Fog's photostream, Google News, Google Maps, Wikipedia, Youtube, gpodder, online TV streams)
CLI Applications
abook addressbook
alsamixer audio mixer
bc calculator
BBQradio radio player
centerim* instant messenger
centericq* instant messenger for ICQ
irssi IRC chat tool
mc file manager
mcedit editor
moc music player
mutt* mail client
nano editor
ncdu ncurses disk utility
newsbeuter RSS client
ranger file manager
sc spreadsheet application
testdisk disk utility
tmux terminal multiplexer (for root)
wordgrinder text processor
wyrd calendar
zsh shell

Applications marked with * can be started directly in terminal or via the command "start" and need manual configuration by the user.