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[New Torrent] pearlinux-6-x86-alpha4.iso

Started by Fr0zen, October 04, 2012, 12:13:57 AM

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What's new in alpha 4 :

- New Dock : The dock is no longer based on Docky (mono code has been removed) It is now faster and use less resources.

- New : Pear Linux Repository

- New : Pear Web Browser manager 1.0.2

- Update : Pear Aurora 1.0.2

- Update : Pear Panel 1.0.1

- Update : Pear Control Center 1.0.2

- Update : Pear Wifi 1.1

- Update : Pear Linux theme 1.0.2

- Update : Pear Linux icons 1.0.2

- Fixed a bug on CPU load

- Launchpad come back on \"Pear Linux 6\" button

- New Pear Linux Backgrounds

- New : Firefox for Pear Linux 15.1

- Flash Player installed (thank for the Fr0zen's script)

- Pear Linux's Bleachbit version


If no major bugs or problems are found in this version, the beta will begin.