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[New Torrent] KNOPPIX_V7.0.4CD-2012-08-20-EN.iso

Started by clowenstein, September 12, 2012, 01:21:03 AM

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QuoteKNOPPIX is a bootable Live system on CD or DVD, consisting of a representative collection of GNU/Linux software, automatic hardware detection, and support for many graphics cards, sound cards, SCSI and USB devices and other peripherals. KNOPPIX can be used as a productive Linux system for the desktop, educational CD, rescue system, or adapted and used as a platform for commercial software product demos. It is not necessary to install anything on a hard disk. Due to on-the-fly decompression, the CD can have up to 2 GB of executable software installed on it (over 8GB on the DVD \"Maxi\" edition).
QuoteVersion 7.0.4 of Knoppix is based on the usual picks from Debian stable (squeeze) and newer Desktop packages from Debian/testing and Debian/unstable (wheezy). It uses kernel 3.4.9 and xorg 7.7 (core 1.12.3) for supporting current computer hardware.
 Optional 64-bit Kernel via boot option \"knoppix64\", supporting systems with more than 4GB of RAM and chroot to 64-bit installations for system rescue tasks (DVD version only).
Bugfix update for 7.0.3: The apt database now contains all necessary data also in the CD version in order to directly install software via synaptic.
Support for ExFAT-fuse
repaired gprsconnect and modemlink
oprofile support
LibreOffice 3.5.4,
Chromium 21.0.1180.75 and Firefox/Iceweasel 10.0.6 Web Browser,
LXDE (Default) with filemanager PCMANFM 1.0, KDE 4.7.4 (boot option knoppix desktop=kde, DVD version only), GNOME 3.4 (boot option knoppix desktop=gnome, DVD version only).
 ADRIANE: Version 1.4 of the audio desktop for blind computer users with improved support for somd braille devices.
Viacam for controlling the mouse cursor by movement of head or hand using the builtin webcam.
Wine version 1.5.10 for integration of Windows (TM) based programs.
Virtualbox version 4.1.18 (DVD version only) and qemu-kvm 1.0 for (para-)virtualization.
zram \"RAM-Compression\", especially useful for older computers with low ram: Up to 75% of main memory will be compressed if running out of ram. This way, it is possible to start large programs without needing a swap area on disk. With this feature, the system can use up to twice as much \"virtual\" ram (for averagely compressible data).