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[New Torrent] tarch-2020.02.24-x86_64.iso

Started by Blueeyez, September 18, 2020, 01:03:14 PM

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Tarch 2020.02.24 available, experimental

This is just an announcement that tarch 2020.02.24 (link, signature) is now available. This is considered a nonproduction image because of bugs in the speakup module of the kernel that can cause crashes when reading words. It is provided as an image if someone needs a very new feature or needs dhcp and a few other core tools, that were mistakenly left out on the previous tarch image that was created after arch linux moved their base group into a very minimum base package. As always,  the md5sum is d3e9d547af3b368954c85dc16e7888ec, and the sha512sum is 8ff586f05120cd4d2fea7858237285fa2b0a0e3cb8f867adc098575514d4f475bb6f14326b37d17381967ab3578d5f6beccf13a3991f479943dc7482bf363b1a. If you simply need core programs such as dhcpcd, we recommend remainhing at tarch 2019.09.18 (link, signature) and following these instructions:


1. Connect to the internet
2. Run this command as root on the live image (not on your installed system, if any): pacman -Syy archlinux-keyring
3. At this point you can safely install packages without risk of signatures not being verified properly.

The alternative is to connect to a wired network manually, and run dhclient which is included on all tarch images including previous images without dhcpcd. How to do this is out of the scope of this post, but I may be able to provide minor
guideance if needed.

The latest tarch image without a kernel affected by the speakup bug, to our knowledge is also the image above, though this could be incorrect.

As a closing note, we have plans to develop tarch images with speakup using an older kernel (4.19) that does not include the bug, and to build images with fenrir as screen reader. These should be coming within the next several days if all goes well.

Thanks for your patience! We'll be back with more updates soon.

-Deedra and Michael.