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[New Torrent] GhostBSD-20.02.iso

Started by Greger, March 06, 2020, 11:47:05 AM

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GhostBSD is a user-friendly desktop operating system based on TrueOS (which is, in turn, based on FreeBSD's development branch). The project's goal is to create an easy-to-use and familiar workspace that can be used at home or office and for data rescue. GhostBSD supports a number of popular lightweight desktop environments, including MATE, Xfce. It also provides FreeBSD's package management system, LibreOffice, LibreCAD, and Eclipse/Anjuta development environments for C, C++, Java, JavaScript, Jala and Python.

Release info: https://www.ghostbsd.org/20.02_release_announcement

MD5 cd5ee7e904aba8239ee8f93caa0ad6f0
SHA256 ef00dbf2dcfec027a5e876feb8559a93b8ad86bc87208277d6d5a62a77271137
