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[New Torrent] pclinuxos64-kde5-darkstar-2020.01

Started by DeBaas, January 14, 2020, 11:05:18 AM

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PCLinuxOS 2020.01 updated installation media release  
« on: 14 jan. 2020 »  

The PCLinuxOS Project has announced the release of updated installation media for PCLinuxOS. The new media carries the version number 2020.01 and contains a fully updated system as of January 13, 2020. It is not required to do a clean installation each month since PCLinuxOS is a rolling release. These ISOs are being provided so new users don't have a large update to perform after installation from a dated ISO. Please note if you plan on booting and/or installing PCLinuxOS 2020.01 in Virtualbox then please use Virtualbox 6.1.0 or better as it has support for the 5.4.x kernels.  

Download link: http://ftp.nluug.nl/pub/os/Linux/distr/pclinuxos/pclinuxos/live-cd/64bit/
Torrent Links:  https://bit.ly/2TlHOSI

Major changes: The kernel has been updated to 5.4.11. KDE has been updated: Frameworks 5.66, Plasma Desktop 5.17.5 and Applications 19.12.1. XFCE desktop updated to 4.14.2. XFCE now has Undercover Mode available from the software repository to flip your desktop to look like Windows. A fun way to fool your Window friends. The MATE desktop received many package updates. BT mouse and keyboards should pair and work better in this release.   Some font corruption affecting a very small number of Intel systems has been resolved. Many udev rules were found scattered in various places have now been consolidated into the proper folders.  

The KDE ISOs now come in 3 sizes. The mininalistic Darkstar (1 gb) features the basic Plasma desktop to allow the power user to fill it out with their preferred desktop applications from the software repository. KDE basic (2 gb) provides the Plasma desktop with a set of the most common applications for Internet, Multimedia and Graphics. KDE Magnum (3.6 gb) contains a large assortment of applications with a little more of everything because frankly you deserve it. A great way to showcase what is available in Linux to people who are curious about the operating system.  

It should be noted that users of PCLinuxOS have the following services available: Cloud storage, Email, Graphic Image Hosting , and Chat messenger. Forum members can sign up at:  


That is it for this month! Have fun and thank you for using PCLinuxOS.  

About PCLinuxOS  

KDE Desktop  

MATE Desktop  

XFCE Desktop  

Community Releases  

What is PCLinuxOS?  

PCLinuxOS is a free easy to use Linux-based Operating System for x86_64 desktops or laptops.  

PCLinuxOS is distributed as a LiveCD/DVD/USB ISO image, and can also be installed to your computer. The LiveCD/DVD/USB mode lets you try PCLInuxOS without making any changes to your computer. If you like it, you can install the operating system to your hard drive. Locally installed versions of PCLinuxOS utilize the Advanced Packaging Tool (or APT), a package management system (originally from the Debian distribution), together with Synaptic, a GUI frontend to APT for easy software installation. PCLinuxOS has over 12,000 rpm software packages available from our software repository.  

PCLinuxOS has a script called mylivecd, which allows the user to take a 'snapshot' of their current hard drive installation (all settings, applications, documents, etc.) and compress it into an ISO CD/DVD/USB image. This allows easy backup of a user's data and also makes it easy to create your own custom liveCD/DVD/USB.  

PCLinuxOS has additional support for over 85 language through our simple Addlocale interface.  

PCLinuxOS is safe and secure. You never have to worry about viruses, adware, malware or trojans infecting your computer with PCLinuxOS.  

The PCLinuxOS distribution was founded October 24, 2003 by Bill Reynolds aka Texstar and headquarters are located in Houston, TX USA  

Please help ensure that PCLinuxOS remains available in the future, by making a financial contribution.  