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[New Torrent] Oz Unity BlackOpal64

Started by delicadaz, June 01, 2012, 10:26:07 AM

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Oz Unity BlackOpal64 is based on Ubuntu 12.04 64Bit LTS.
It contains 4 main environments namely Unity (Ubuntu), GNOME (Gnome-Shell), GNOME Classic and XBMC. It also contains Unity 2D (Ubuntu 2D) and GNOME Classic (No effects).
All of these environments are accessible via a Live session on the proviso your hardware can handle it (Ram, Vid Card etc..).
The majority of work has been focused on the Unity environment because that is where we believe the future lies. I do understand that Unity may not be your preferred environment so yes, we did a fair bit with GNOME and GNOME Classic as well. We deliberately chose to avoid 'end of life' projects like Gnome 2.x and it's forks as well as Emerald. It's time to move on.

BlackOpal64 comes with all your favourite Apps, drivers flash, java, music and video codecs, compiz special effects already installed and ready to rock n roll, straight out of the box.
Burn it to DVD or use Unetbootin to create a live USB
This iso comes in at 3.1Gb

Please visit the forums for further information https://www.ultimateeditionoz.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=365&t=4173