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[New Torrent] FreeNAS 8.2.0-BETA3 x64

Started by Fr0zen, April 21, 2012, 01:07:55 AM

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Josh Paetzel has announced the availability of the third beta build of FreeNAS 8.2.0, a specialist operating systems providing free Network-Attached Storage (NAS) services: \"I've just completed uploading FreeNAS 8.2.0-BETA3. Upgrades from BETA2 work, but most likely any plugin stuff that is working in BETA2 will stop working. You'll want to use the plugins in the BETA3 directory with this beta, don't mix and match. Notable highlights are a complete re-factor of plugins, iSCSI target reload, and the Samba security fix. The 8.2 branch of FreeNAS introduces many functional changes when compared with the 8.0.x releases. ZFS can be manipulated from the CLI, and changes for supported items tracked by FreeNAS will be reflected in the GUI. zvols, datasets, and entire volumes can be created, destroyed, or manipulated on the CLI and will be propagated to the GUI.