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[New Torrent] GeckoLinux_ROLLING_Cinnamon.x86_64-999.161031.0

Started by yigit, November 05, 2016, 06:38:00 AM

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Welcome to GeckoLinux

Hi everyone, I'm pleased to announce updated releases of all eight (8) spins of the GeckoLinux Rolling editions. The GeckoLinux Rolling editions are live installable images based on openSUSE Tumbleweed with its frequent and extremely well tested stable rolling releases, combined with Packman driver and multimedia support. After installation, GeckoLinux Rolling systems can be easily updated in sync with the current release of openSUSE Tumbleweed. These GeckoLinux Rolling 999.161031 spins have been a long time in coming, as a huge number of Tumbleweed changes have occurred in the interim. But finally some minor bugs have been solved upstream, and numerous GeckoLinux tweaks have been implemented where necessary.

Changes to all GeckoLinux Rolling editions: Practically the entire base system is new, with updated versions of the Linux kernel (4.8.4), systemd (228), GTK3 (3.22), Qt (5.7.0), Freetype2 (2.7) and glibc (2.24). Also the GeckoLinux language-installer.sh  script for non-English language packs has been updated to be more reliable and easy to use. Additionally, the new libqt5-qtstyleplugins-platformtheme-gtk2 package is now used for unified theming of GTK and Qt applications. The Tumbleweed base release is 20161031.

