KaOS 2013.11 x86_64 [Rolling Release]
The November version comes with:
- an installer
- non-free nvidia driver
- all language packs
- KDE 4.11.3
- linux kernel 3.11.7
Download URL:
Message Digests, using the MD5Deep suite (http://md5deep.sourceforge.net/)
MD5Sum [using md5deep -ezb KaOS-2013.11-x86_64.iso]:
1758461952 a3b3a6abc1181c1d4d6ae55da03d14d4 KaOS-2013.11-x86_64.iso
SHA1Sum [using sha1deep -ezb KaOS-2013.11-x86_64.iso]:
1758461952 633b845cda82fae32364814ebd1f807529897b71 KaOS-2013.11-x86_64.iso
KaOS | A lean KDE Distribution
The idea behind KaOS is to create a tightly integrated rolling and transparent distribution for the modern desktop, build from scratch with a very specific focus. Focus on one DE (KDE), one toolkit (Qt), one architecture (x86_64) plus a focus on evaluating and selecting the most suitable tools and applications. All work is geared toward packaging, not developing new tools or applications.
DistroWatch Weekly #534, Mo 2013/11/18
KaOS is a rolling-release distribution built from scratch and focused on providing one desktop environment (KDE) on one architecture (64-bit x86).
KaOS 2013.11 - Release Notes
After about eight months of working in relative obscurity, it is a pleasure to announce a first public release of KaOS. Initially started for a local group of small business owners, who had a clear vision of what was wanted for their ideal distribution. Since all has been working well and stable, plus the fact that KaOS has been discovered by some opensource enthusiast who spread the word about this distribution quite quickly, it was decided not to keep this as a private distribution only.
To learn more about the goals and ideas behind KaOS, please read the Home, About and FAQ pages
A rolling release distribution never has a "final" release, every ISO is mere a snapshot of the current status of the repositories. An idea what is currently available:
The ISO ships with KDE 4.11.3, Linux 3.11.7, Systemd 208, Kmod 15, Networkmanager, Calligra 2.7.4, Clementine 1.2.0, Plasma-nm, Xorg-server 1.14.4, Mesa 9.2.2, Glibc 2.17 and GCC 4.8.2, non-free Nvidia 325.15 to name a few.
The package manager is Pacman 4.1.2, with the simple but powerful Octopi 0.3.0 as GUI frontend. Default webbrowser is Qt based Qupzilla 1.5.0.
GFXboot is included with KaOS artwork, Grub theme is monochrome, plasma theme is an exclusive version of Kotonaru.
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