VSIDO x64 bit version
VSIDO is a front line Debian Sid installation built with the goal of providing both basic and advanced users the toolset needed to be productive, protected yet flexible enough to enjoy
Built on debian's latest 3.8-x kernel
Running on Xfce 4.10, OpenBox and now FLuxBox, any user will find just what they need to be productive out of the box
For advanced users, tools like bleachbit, Disk-Manager, kernel-remover, debian apt protection tools, build essentials and a selection of debian power tools are standard features
For the beginner, everything for connection, multimedia, music, aliases, system panels, tint2 launcher panels and ease of use is standard
VSIDO also comes with a vsido-welcome script that will install additional layers of applications for the developer and web developer, office applications, printer setup tools and image editing tools
All of this running under 150 MiB on boot in either environment