Linuxtracker Forums

Linux => Uploads => Topic started by: rolandx1 on September 01, 2012, 10:39:19 PM

Title: [New Torrent] liberte-2012.3.iso
Post by: rolandx1 on September 01, 2012, 10:39:19 PM

QuoteMaxim Kammerer has announced the release of Liberté Linux 2012.3, an updated version of the project's Gentoo-based live CD distribution with strong Internet privacy features: \"A new release has been published on SourceForge. In this release (notable user-visible changes): Linux kernel 3.4.7 with better hardware support (e.g., brcmsmac) and UnionFS replaced by OverlayFS, which is expected to be eventually accepted into mainline; EFI boot binaries are signed for Secure Boot (tested in OVMF), establishing a trusted boot chain starting with a KEK / DB certificate (located in EFI directory); X.Org Server 1.12 and Mesa 8.0 with Gallium3D for Radeon cards, nouveau driver for NVIDIA cards, and support for accelerated VMware graphics virtualization; simplified boot parameters handling -- most previous parameters are now omitted; added 'blacklist' boot parameter for blacklisting kernel modules from auto-loading....\"

QuoteLiberté Linux is a secure, reliable, lightweight and easy-to-use Gentoo-based live medium with the primary purpose of enabling anyone to communicate safely and covertly in hostile environments.