Kali NetHunter provides:
- A dedicated NetHunter App, providing a touch screen optimized GUI for common attack categories, such as:
- One-click MANA Evil Access Point setups.
USB HID Keyboard attacks, much like the Teensy device is able to do.
- BadUSB MITM attacks. Plug in your Kali NetHunter to a victim PC, and have your traffic relayed though it.
- Bluetooth attacks.
- Full Kali Linux toolset, with many tools available via a simple menu system.
Command line interface to the Kali Linux container.
- Kali desktop EXperience (KeX)
- Custom, device specific kernel with wireless injection support.
- HDMI output of Kali desktop to external display for supported devices.
- USB Y-cable with the Kali NetHunter kernel - use your OTG cable while still charging your device!
- Software Defined Radio support (SDR). Use Kali NetHunter with your HackRF to explore the wireless radio space.
- NetHunter app store allowing you to grow the potential of Kali NetHunter.
Visit the Nethunter project website here:
Visit the Offensive security website here: