Clemens Toennies has announced the release of Netrunner 4.2, a Kubuntu-based distribution providing the very latest KDE 4.8.3 desktop: \"Netrunner 4.2 'Dryland' - second edition released. These are some of the new features: KDE 4.8.3; Firefox KDE integration, GIMP 2.8 and Skype 4.0; Samba Mounter for easy NAS setup; web accounts for integrating your social accounts; Runners ID for free and libre cloud storage and music streaming; Muon Discover. Since this is a hybrid ISO, you can for example use UNetbootin or imagewriter for putting Netrunner on a USB stick. For 64-bit machines with EFI you may experience a crash during installation when trying to install the bootloader, it is advised to use imagewriter, as it does use another bootloader, which makes the ISO install fine.