Linuxtracker Forums

Linux => Uploads => Topic started by: Fossilizing_Dinosaur on July 20, 2019, 04:24:27 PM

Title: [New Torrent] Slackel Live 7 2 ISO 32 64
Post by: Fossilizing_Dinosaur on July 20, 2019, 04:24:27 PM
Highlights: 3 GUI tools [live-installer, instonusb, custom multibootusb], persistent file encryption, boot medialabel="USB_LABEL_NAME" parameter
Users who use a different program to create a live USB and either name the usb label differently than the default which is "LIVE" or have many distributions on usb
should pass the parameter medialabel="YOUR_USB_LABEL_NAME" so slackel can find itself
Log in with username root and password live or admin username one and password one
Supports EFI/GPT or BIOS/MBR, frugal install; live ISO includes multimedia codecs
Announcement at distro forum