Linuxtracker Forums

Linux => Uploads => Topic started by: Fr0zen on June 03, 2012, 08:34:09 AM

Title: [New Torrent] Kororaa Linux 17 Beta x86_64 KDE
Post by: Fr0zen on June 03, 2012, 08:34:09 AM
Chris Smart has announced that the initial public beta of Kororaa Linux 17, a Fedora-based distribution with a large number of user-friendly enhancements, is ready for testing: \"The first beta release of Kororaa Linux 17 has been released and is available for download, in 32-bit and 64-bit variants for KDE and GNOME. This new release includes major updates of most packages including the Linux kernel (3.3.7), office and desktops (KDE 4.8 and GNOME 3.4). The GNOME 3 desktop has a custom theme available, as well as several extensions to provide an enhanced user experience. The KDE desktop has specific default applications, such as Firefox and VLC.