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Linux => Uploads => Topic started by: desmond on April 25, 2018, 12:56:50 PM

Title: [New Torrent] Fedberry Minimal 27.1
Post by: desmond on April 25, 2018, 12:56:50 PM
MINIMAL release of Fedberry 27.1

The major differences between Fedora arm releases as compared to Fedberry releases are:
• The use of our own custom kernels (using the Raspberry Pi foundation's bcm2709 kernel port).
• The use of Raspberry Pi foundation's own bootloader (ie. we don't use uboot).
• The use of swap files in lieu of swap partitions.
• tmpfs is enabled but size limited to 100M.
• The root partition is automatically expanded on first boot.
• Various RPi specific applications / software are included by default.
• To facilitate optional headless booting, a default root password is set in the 'minimal' release.