Emmabuntüs DE is a desktop Linux distribution based on Debian 8 XFCE. It strives to be beginner-friendly and reasonably light on resources so that it can be used on older computers. It also includes many modern features, such as large number of pre-configured programs for everyday use, dockbar for launching applications, easy installation of non-free software and media codecs, and quick setup through automated scripts. The distribution supports English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish languages.
For More Information, visit Distrowatch (//distrowatch.com/emmabuntus)
On September 5, 2016, the Emmabuntüs Collective is happy to announce the release of the new Emmabuntüs Debian Edition 1.01 available for 32 and 64 bits, based on Debian 8.5 distribution featuring the XFCE desktop environment.
This version of EmmaDE includes new versions of our set of tutorials on installation, presentation and free culture data. For the time being they are available in French only, and will be published later on the Developpez.com (http://emmabuntus.developpez.com/) site. The English versions will be then translated by our friend Yves, and included in the release of version 1.02.
This version also includes the beautiful cahiers du débutant pour Debian (http://lescahiersdudebutant.fr/) [the beginner textbooks for Debian] made by our friend arpinux (http://arpinux.org/),and one of our goals is to translate them into the language of Shakespeare.
This 1.01 version includes the following updates, fixes and improvements:
- Based on Debian 8.5
- Implementation of the 64-bit version
- Added the improved management of the Recovery Utility
- Added installation management utility for proprietary drivers from the distribution SolydXK
- Added the default reinstall utility of Emmabuntüs Cairo-Dock
- Added mechanism for locking or not the Emmabuntüs Cairo-Dock
- Added the full screen management in VirtualBox
- Added quick search in Synaptic
- Added XFCE4-screenshooter configuration file to avoid having ":" in the default file name
- Added utility KeepassX
- Added integration Wine shortcuts in XFCE and link to the installation
- Added the list of users at the login window
- Added installation tutorials and presentation of Emma DE
- Updated Firefox and Chromium plugins
- Updated Emmabuntüs wiki
- Updated the Emmabuntüs Cairo-Dock launcher utility in order to block changes of the dock
- Updated utility to allow the non activation of the dock after installation and activation of the task manager
- Updated the theme Ambiance-Color, and improved the XFCE panel
- Changed the size of the / (root) partition from 10 GB to 30 GB in guided mode for home and multi schemes
- GIMP configuration with a single window and Skin Update for GIMP
- Validation without administrator rights of the auto-login, and disable the notifications window to launch an application without user right
- Removed the automatic partitioning method during installation
You will find the rest of the announcement here : http://announcementde.emmabuntus.org
This version includes the following software, see this link http://emmade.emmabuntus.org
Good tests at all.
Le collectif Emmabuntüs