Linuxtracker Forums

Linux => Uploads => Topic started by: alienelite on July 20, 2016, 06:09:44 AM

Title: [New Torrent] Pearl-Desktop-3.0_amd64.iso
Post by: alienelite on July 20, 2016, 06:09:44 AM
Our new LTR release of Pearl Linux OS 3.0 (Tooey) series is a super stable easy to use OS X styled desktop for everyone. Excellent for Linux Newbies migrating from Apple or Windows as well as the Linux users from first time users to the advanced user.

Important The README before install!

The PearlDE 64 bit version includes extras like;
Stellarium, Google Chrome, Earth, SuperTux2 plus ..

3 Desktop Environments, Gnome, Mate and the new Pearl DE. Pearl DE is based on LXDE however it has been tweaked with multiple window managers available through 4 independently configured login sessions which include KODI media center 6.1, LXDE (WinXP style) PearlDE (OS X styled light flat icon themed) and PearlDE-FX (OS X Styled with effects).

The core of the system is based on the 16.04 Ubuntu release however from Pearl version 3.0 and onward we have started and in the process of starting many new features including our own repository, a new more informative website including forum