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[New Torrent] antiX-12-rc2-486.iso

Started by ceandrewk, July 26, 2012, 11:02:18 PM

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15 months on from the release of antiX-M11 series, we are almost there to release our antiX-12 series. For 99% of users, these rc2 isos are ready, but we would also like to get the 1% sorted out before releasing final.

3 versions available.  This is the full (692MB) - features 5 windows managers! icewm(default), fluxbox, jwm (all with or without a Rox desktop) wmii (pre-configured to get users started) and dwm. LibreOffice suite replaces Abiword and gnumeric. Iceweasel 10 replaces iceape, claws-mail included as email client. qmmp replaced by xmms, yad replaces zenity, thunar removed and replaced with spacefm and udevil, cheese removed for gucview, streamtuner2 replaces streamtuner, synaptic kept for gui package manager, lots of useful scripts (eg smxi/inxi) and many other changes including ability to create a live.iso snapshot of installed system (thanks to the refracta-snapshot application). There are loads of applications available for a complete desktop experience and it all fits on a 700MB cd! We are still using grub-legacy, but users are free to install grub2 if they wish.

Read more: http://linuxtracker.org/index.php?page=delete&info_hash=be83ee1064ba15783f2a316e891added72161ba9&returnto=index.php%3Fpage%3Dtorrents#ixzz21msZ6T9K