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[New Torrent] LOS2.1GAMER

Started by Kjetil, July 08, 2013, 02:24:27 AM

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John Van Gaans has announced the release of Legacy OS 2.1 "Gamer" edition, a Puppy-based distribution designed for, you've guessed it, PC gaming enthusiasts: "Our best releases coming in 2013 starting with Legacy OS 2.1 Gamer available now. To start things off Legacy OS 2 Gamer has been released. Months of testing and searching the Internet for Pentium III compatible games has resulted in this release. From card games to 3D-type games like Prboom, the open-source release of the classic game Doom, this release will bring many hours of fun for families who can't afford Quad Core Gaming PCs and only have access to Pentium III and 4 PCs. Also included in this release is the Opera 12 web browser with Flash for excellent HTML 5 Internet browsing and the Amarok music player to manage your music collection. Pentium III PCs make great Jukeboxes when connected to a amplifier and a couple of speakers.


You have made me remembered my childhood days where I used to play video games all day long. I am now a grown-up but some things still take us back to the times when we were kids and recently I was scrolling through the Internet and saw the HearthSong Coupons that was about the kids shopping destination, toys, games, etc. And it made me felt like a kid again.


I've played this game before, but didn't really like it. All the same, prefer to play at mr bet casino login, Dota 2 and Counter Strike. Unambiguously, each of us chooses the game to his liking.