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[New Torrent] Canaima GNU/Linux 4.0 Alpha 1 i386

Started by mcangeli, May 16, 2013, 05:40:47 PM

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Today, with joy and excitement, we announce the launch of the first version in development (alpha1) of Canaima 4.0, under the code name "Kerepakupai", in honor of Kerepakupai Vená , original name (Pemon) of the waterfall highest in the world , located in the Canaima National Park in Venezuela.
Then after the first quarter of the development cycle, and with an advance of 30% of the initial objectives, the development team is prepared to continue with the tasks needed to further promote and support the development and technological independence of our country .
Canaima 4.0 is a version that promises to revolutionize the user's desktop as we know it. The paradigm shift of computing devices to ever smaller formats and portable, plus the mass of touch technology, voice recognition and the need for operating systems reach more and more people of different ages and cultures, make need a thorough study on the concepts of human-computer interaction, usability and functionality.
This is precisely why this larger version of the meta-distribution emphasizes the user and their needs . Are planned mobile usability labs, such as the one conducted in the Caribbean Maritime University (Catia La Mar, Edo. Vargas) on April 25 . There he collected the opinions and impressions of the users on the use and exploration of various desktop environments. The results are being tabulated and analyzed carefully to feedback the following phases of the development process.
Canaima 4.0 (alpha 1) is made ​​public to the user after the stable release of version 7.0 of its mother metadistribution Debian , on May 4. The development team has been selected and incorporated Canaima an important group of applications and components in order to provide better user experience and innovative features. Among them are:
Gnome Desktop 3.4.
Linux Kernel 3.2.0.
Windows server X.org 7.7.
Office Suite LibreOffice 4.0.1.
Ocelot 22.0 Web Browser (based on Iceweasel).
Guácharo Mail Client 17.0.5 (based on Icedove).
Image Manipulation Program GIMP 2.8.
Vector graphics editor Inkscape 0.48.
Python 2.7/3.2.
Perl 5.14.
Importantly, this version is still in development , which means it is not suitable for production environments or for everyday use for novice users. This release is for developers, users, experts and enthusiasts who wish to contribute to the development of Canaima or want to try the new features " fresh from the oven ".
If you want to try the new version, you need to download an ISO image file from the website of Canaima. ISO images contain the operating system as "live", this means you can try before you install it. On the other hand, images are available to download in two computer architectures: Support 64-bit (amd64) and support 32-bit (i386). If you're not sure which one applies to your computer, choose the one that supports 32 bits.