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[New Torrent] Chakra 2013.02 "Benz"

Started by Malcer, February 11, 2013, 08:01:32 PM

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Our tools have gotten a lot of attention too, the live ISO has switched to using GFXboot, this will give many more options for language and keyboard settings, adds quite a few hardware checking tools in a visual pleasing way.
Tribe has now a dedicated keyboard page, this will avoid issues in setting the desired keyboard correctly. Marble is better integrated, locale selection improved.
The Chakra artwork theme "Dharma" is fully updated, and integration is set for all parts of the live ISO, grub bootloader, KDM and the installed desktop.

As for the repositories, most noteworthy updates are Linux 3.7.6, the first kernel that fixes the Samsung laptop issues. Nvidia and Catalyst are at their latest version, so are the free graphics drivers.
Qtwebkit is updated to 2.3, which brings full WebGl support back, adds Caret browsing, support for spellchecking and animated scrolling in Qt browsers.
Mariadb has replaced MySql. Boost 1.52.0, Icu 50.1.2, Mesa 9.0.2, Poppler 0.22.0, Openjpeg 1.5.1, PyQt 4.9.6, Networkmanager, Virtuoso 6.1.6, Phonon-backend-gstreamer 4.6.3, Calligra 2.6.0, LibreOffice 3.6.5, are among the many updated to their latest version.